
Plan Overview

Category: Uncategorised
Created on Thursday, 24 April 2014 08:09
Hits: 260

Congratulations for making the choice to make a lifestyle change by considering the ITG Diet 3 Step Weight Loss Plan. You will have the option to choose from two different Options.

This is a Low Carbohydrate Low Calorie Ketonic Plan. You will be eating approximately 40-60 grams of carbohydrates per day and consuming approximately 1,000 calories per day. Your body will actually go into a light ketosis, which simply means your body is in a fat burning mode.



step-one-weight-lossSTEP ONE - WEIGHT LOSS

Or, For Men and Dieters over 200 pounds

STEP ONE - PLUS PRO WEIGHT LOSS – For Men and Dieters over 200 pounds


step-two-weight-loss-transitionSTEP TWO - TRANSITION

step-three-weight-loss-successSTEP THREE - SUCCESS FOR LIFE

This is for the rest of your life. You will now be on 100% whole foods and have learned about living a healthy lifestyle with the knowledge to maintain a healthy weight. Your coach will continue to support you and, of course, you can still have some of our proteins for healthy snacks. Your coach has several helpful documents when you get to this step.

optional-diet-planOPTIONAL PLAN:

This plan is for anyone who will not be able to participate in the ITG Diet ketonic plan. It could be for health reasons or the regular plan is too strict for you to follow. You may also start this plan and move to the Option One Plan. Please consult your coach for the best plan for you. On this plan you will be incorporating other food groups into your meal plan. This is also a 3 Step plan that will get you to your goal. However, your weight loss may be a little slower on Option Two.